One thing that hinders or is a costly expense people from going into business on their own is a location. Essentially you have double rent/lease, double utilities, etc., than if you worked from your home. Running a business from your home mitigates those extra expenses, but poses a different set of challenges such as having customers or clients to come to your home may not always be the best thing to do and some customers may look down on you from working out of your home. There’s a few other things that come into play too, depending on your business.

A co-working space is an excellent and valuable asset/service/thing that startup entrepreneurs can utilize. You could still do work from home, yet have a physical location for client meetings as well as doing day to day work.

My friend and someone who I have worked with many projects on over the years started up Sync.Space in Kingsport, TN. It is more than simply a space. It offers networking, collaboration, and an environment to help you accelerate your business!

One cool and unique feature is the studio. I built a very nice greenscreen studio in Heath’s building when it was empty for filming MMA Inside the Cage. It wasn’t too long that the show got cancelled and the studio wasn’t being used that often. When Heath told me about the concept, we both thought how awesome it would be to have this available for other creatives in the area.

Check out this cool video of Sync.Space made by Cumberland Marketing. (Its not often I’m in front of the camera! Check it out, they filmed the studio shot when I was filming…)

If you are a start-up or work from home business owner and are in the Tri-Cities area, you should check out today. Its very affordable, professional and valuable!